Max Boost & the Power-Ups

Get the Super-deluxe, ultimate version of my new album for FREE!

My new album “Remains to be Seen” is finally finished but...

It won't be released to the public for several months. First I want to share it with my biggest fans and supporters like you. I want to take you on a behind-the-scenes journey with me through all 12 songs of the album. You'll get to hear exclusive alternate versions of songs, take a look into the recording process, get the stories behind the music, bonus performance videos and more.

All for free, delivered right to your inbox and even viewable on your phone.

Come with me for a 6 day journey through 12 hard-hitting jams as we explore and overcome existential crises, unflattering self-reflections and unfilled dreams.

It’ll be fun, I promise...

The journey includes:

  • Stories behind all the lyrics and music

  • High quality downloads and streaming links of every song

  • Intimate performance videos

  • Exclusive alternate version of most songs

  • Behind the scenes looks at the recording

  • Spotlight-light videos about featured instruments

  • Random Max Boost Trivia Tidbits

  • Other things I probably forgot about...

What all remains to be seen?

I poured my entire essence into this album. Along the way, I created all this extra stuff to create an immersive experience. Just putting it on Spotify and asking you to stream it seems like a wasted opportunity

If you don't know already, I'm a bit eccentric. You might even say I'm pretty weird. Well so is my music. Maybe you are too? If you are looking for something different than overproduced mainstream pop, boring lofi hip-hop and cookie-cutter rock, look no further. This album is full of unique songs, like Graveyard Dirt, a gritty trance blues-jam featuring a mix of dirty synthesizers, raw vocals, heavy slide guitar and sarcastic attitude with a touch of darkness.

But what is Remains to be Seen all about? At their core, the songs on this record share a common theme that stands in stark contrast to most of today's popular music. They aren't about tragedy or triumph. They don't explore falling in love or breaking up. They don't glorify wicked parties or fat stacks of cash. They don't lament the pain of addiction or crippling depression and they don't celebrate knocking it out of the park on your "one shot" or overcoming the odds to "make it big".

These songs are about the massive accumulated weight of all the little things in every day life. They are about the space where many of us live the vast majority of our lives, the space in between the earth shattering, groundbreaking moments. These songs are about vague existential worry, about the fear of complacency holding you back from some imagined extraordinary adventures, about relationships we've settled into and others that we've let slip away without even knowing it. These songs are about what happens after the honeymoon phase, about how it feels to be a flawed human being in the midst of the sea of extraordinary talent and apparent excitement we are constantly bombarded with on social media.

The songs are about me. There's a good chance these songs are at least in part about you too. So come join me as we find out what remains to be seen...

Remains to be Seen is my sophomore album. I finished it about 3 years into my journey as a solo musician. Compared to my first record, it represents a huge step forward in just about all of my musical skills: from song writing, to vocal performance, from mixing & production to digital marketing strategy. Sonically, it is a blend blend of raw vocals, gritty roots rock and heavy drums with more subtle electronic music production elements than some of my other work.

I created this album with a plan in mind. Along the way, I filmed some of the recording process, documented my thoughts and saved early versions and alternate mixes of some of the songs that differ from the final product. And I've packaged all this, just for you, into a 5 day journey. Each day you will be emailed a link to secret pages on my website that contain all of the bonus material around the day's songs.

So just what exactly is the bonus content I'm giving away?

Exclusive Alternate Song versions

Get exclusive versions of the songs on the album that will NEVER be released publicly. You can hear a stripped down version of Graveyard Dirt, an early demo version of Touch of Rage, an acoustic version of Women Know Better and more!

Go behind the songs

Check out lyric break downs, the stories behind each song, like how I came up with hook "When the Reaper Comes to take your soul", the meaning of an obscure reference to an Icelandic waterfall or the subterranean "bagel shop" I used to hang at with my buddies

Bonus Video Content

Check out exclusive videos where I break down my recording process in my home studio, show you how I play guitar or bass parts and maybe sneak in an exclusive performance or two

“Absurd and unhinged. I love it”

- Pravin Thompson

© Max Boost and the Power-Ups, 2024

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